PBAC Outcomes


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The PBAC outcomes system is based on PBAC outcomes data which is publish to the 3-4 times each year. The data is presented in simple tables - while the data might be valuable it is very difficult if not impossible to sort or query, for example:-

  • when was the last positive recommendation for product X
  • how many deferrals have there been for company Y
  • which listing was the subsequent rejection of product Z

The PBAC outcomes database allows users to perform such queries, and more. Outcome data is downloaded and converted shortly after it is published.

Outcomes can be selected by Brand (as shown above), Company or Generic. Detailed outcome data including links to the PBAC outcomes web page and any Public Summary Document are shown on the Outcomes Screeen (see below)

The outcomes screen has the ability for clients to design and enter thier own data, on the planned future User Tabs at the bottom of the screen

It is possible to search for PDS records, as shown below. Once more PDS records can be selected by Company, Brand of Generic.

Therapeutic Relativity Sheets were added to the system in early 2007. TRS records may be searched by Generic.

There are a number of reports built into the PBAC Outcomes system, for example:-



Copyright Bass Data 2007